Willy van Houtum & I were joining the Juxtapose Art Fair in Aarhus, Denmark. From August 20 – 22 the art fair was held in The Cultural Production Center Godsbanen.
We represented ruimteCAESUUR with art works by Jorieke Rottier and myself.
After the short introduction, an impression with some pictures.
Thanks to Vleeshal / S.B.K.M. for the financial support.
‘At the Juxtapose Art Fair, ruimteCAESUUR will present the work of Hans Overvliet and Jorieke Rottier. While at first sight the work of these two artists might appear very different, their working processes have a lot in common: both are collectors and are searching for materials that facilitate reduction; for both of them, the process of creation is often more important than showing the finished work. Generating knowledge through labour and the journey of the creation process itself – often also intertwined with journeys in the literal sense – is their primary interest. For Jorieke, this knowledge oftentimes originates from intuition. Hans, instead, protects knowledge as a system to attempt finding truths.’
After ‘Aarhus’ Willy and I travelled to Česká Skalice in the Czech Republic in order to work again with the wonderful people of Luxfer Open Space to close my oeuvre exhibition there with an artist talk during the finissage on Friday August 27.
Here you find a photo essay on that exhibition
I kept a modest diary of this art trip on my Fb-page; as a booklet on ISSUU.
Some impressions from Aarhus

Photo | 2021©Anne Breel